20 Best Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

Best Hypoallergenic Dogs :

The pitter-patter of paws on hardwood floors, the warm nuzzle of a furry friend, and the unconditional love of a canine companion — it’s a dream scenario cherished by pet lovers. But for those who suffer from pet allergies, this dream can turn into a sneeze-filled, watery-eyed nightmare. It’s no surprise that hypoallergenic dogs are gaining popularity, offering the chance for allergy sufferers to have their dog-loving cake and eat it too.

In this extensive guide, we’ve curated a list of the 20 best hypoallergenic dogs, designed to help you find the perfect four-legged friend that won’t trigger your allergies. But first, we’ll demystify what ‘hypoallergenic’ really means, and share tips to help you select the right pet for you. Whether you’re an allergy sufferer or simply appreciate the cleaner companions, read on to discover your ideal hypoallergenic match.

What Makes a Dog Hypoallergenic?

The term ‘hypoallergenic’ doesn’t mean that these breeds won’t cause any allergic reactions, but rather that they’re less likely to trigger them than other breeds. Many hypoallergenic dogs are known for their low-shedding coats. This is significant because allergens can be found in dog saliva, urine, and dander. Dog dander, which is made of tiny, even microscopic, flecks of skin shed by the dog, is a common allergen for those allergic to dogs.

The non-shedding coat characteristic in hypoallergenic dogs reduces the spread of these allergens around the home. However, it’s essential to understand that no breed is truly hypoallergenic — individual reactions vary, and it is always best to spend time with a dog before bringing them home, even if they are labeled as ‘hypoallergenic’.

Top 20 Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Now, onto the list! Here are the top 20 breeds that are wonderfully suited to families with allergy sufferers and anyone looking for a low-allergen pet.

1. Poodle

The iconic Poodle is renowned for its intelligence, grace, and of course, its hypoallergenic coat. Poodles come in three sizes — standard, miniature, and toy — offering variety to suit different living situations.

hypoallergenic dogs

2. Bichon Frise

A small breed with a big personality, the Bichon Frise is a delightful companion with a curly, hypoallergenic coat. Known for its loving and gentle nature, this breed is great for families with children.

3. Portuguese Water Dog

Originally bred to assist in water-based activities, the Portuguese Water Dog is a high-energy and intelligent breed that makes both a versatile working dog and a loving, hypoallergenic pet.

4. Schnauzer

Schnauzers, available in both ‘Giant’ and ‘Miniature’ sizes, boast distinctive beards and an alert, energetic disposition. Their wiry coat is low-shedding and can often be tolerated by allergy sufferers.

5. Yorkshire Terrier

Affectionately known as ‘Yorkies’, these small and spirited terriers are brave, determined, and fiercely loyal. Their long, silky coat does not shed excessively, making them a good option for those with allergies.

6. Maltese

The Maltese is another toy breed with a coat that doesn’t shed, is almost entirely ‘hypoallergenic’, and is often recommended for individuals with allergies.

7. Shih Tzu

Characterized by their long, flowing coat, the Shih Tzu is a friendly and outgoing breed that thrives on companionship. Their stunning coat requires regular grooming but does not produce dander heavily.

8. Kerry Blue Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier originated in Ireland as a farm dog, later becoming a versatile working dog. Its soft, dense, and wavy coat can be kept short, maintaining a hypoallergenic status.

9. Cairn Terrier

Made famous by its role in the movie ‘The Wizard of Oz’, the Cairn Terrier is intelligent, brave, and at less than a foot tall, resilient. Their double-layer coat is both weather-resistant and low-shedding.

10. Afghan Hound

With a regal bearing and a silky, flowing coat that isn’t prone to shedding, the Afghan Hound is a sight to behold. Though it requires considerable grooming, it can be a compatible choice for those allergic to dogs.

11. Shiba Inu

The spirited Shiba Inu is the smallest of the native Japanese breeds, with one of its hallmarks being a tightly curled tail. Its double coat needs semi-regular grooming to maintain its hypoallergenic properties.

12. Basenji

An ancient breed known for its poised demeanor and quirky yodel-like bark, the Basenji is also odor-free and fastidious in grooming its short, fine coat.

13. Bedlington Terrier

Resembling a lamb more than a dog, the gentle-tempered Bedlington Terrier sports a curly coat that sheds minimally. This breed is known for its agility and ratting abilities.

14. Samoyed

The Samoyed’s white, fluffy coat is its most striking feature, and remarkably, it is also hypoallergenic — an appealing quality for such a personable and good-natured breed.

15. Saluki

The Saluki is the Persian Greyhound, a breed that has been a favorite of Middle Eastern nobility for thousands of years. Their short and smooth coat makes them relatively low on the allergen scale.

16. American Hairless Terrier

This breed stands apart with a completely hairless coat, which means no shedding and little dander. The American Hairless Terrier is alert, energetic, and an excellent companion for those in need of a hypoallergenic pet.

17. Chinese Crested

The Chinese Crested comes in both ‘powder puff’ and ‘hairless’ varieties, both of which are renowned for being low-shedding and excellent for people with allergies. They are known for their loving and social nature.

18. Coton de Tulear

The Coton de Tulear, with its soft, cotton-like coat, is named after the Madagascar port city of Tulear. They are highly sociable dogs that are rarely aggressive, making them wonderful family pets.

19. Irish Water Spaniel

The largest and one of the oldest spaniels, the Irish Water Spaniel is instantly recognizable by its curly, water-resistant coat — a boon for allergy sufferers who still want to share their lives with a water-loving companion.

20. Lagotto Romagnolo

The Lagotto Romagnolo is a breed native to the Romagna sub-region of Italy and has become the truffle-hunter’s best friend. With a thick, curly coat, they make excellent pets for those with a propensity for allergies.

Tips for Choosing the Right Hypoallergenic Dog

When selecting a dog to manage allergies, consider not only the breed’s hypoallergenic qualities but also their temperament and energy levels. Here are some factors to think about:

Lifestyle Compatibility

Different breeds have varying exercise needs, energy levels, and tendencies. Ensuring that your lifestyle aligns with your dog’s requirements will lead to a happier and healthier relationship.

Living Space

The size of your home can play a role in the breed you choose. Smaller living spaces might be better suited for small or medium-size hypoallergenic dogs.

Allergy Severity

It’s essential to be honest about the severity of your allergies. Spend time with the breed you’re considering to see if it triggers your allergies.

Breeder or Adoption Center

Always opt for reputable breeders who can provide insight into the dog’s health and lineage. Adoption centers can also be a great place to find hypoallergenic breeds in need of a loving home.

Caring for Hypoallergenic Dogs

Caring for a hypoallergenic dog involves a few key practices to keep allergens at bay and ensure their health and happiness.

Regular grooming is essential for controlling allergens in the home. Here’s a guide to help you keep your hypoallergenic dog’s coat in top condition:


Regular baths can help reduce allergens on the dog’s skin and coat. Typically, a bath every 4-6 weeks is enough to maintain good skin and coat health without over-drying.


Frequent brushing (as much as twice a week, depending on the breed) helps to prevent mats and reduces shedding of dander-containing hair. The best grooming tools will be those that help remove shed undercoat without damaging the topcoat or skin.

Professional Grooming

Professional grooming services can be particularly helpful for breeds with high grooming needs. Certified groomers will have the skills and tools to address the specific coat requirements of your hypoallergenic dog.

Diet and Nutrition

A high-quality diet is one of the best ways to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy, reducing allergen production. Consult your vet to find the best food for your breed.

Veterinary Care

Regular check-ups with a vet can catch and address health concerns early, promoting better skin and coat health.

Diet and Nutrition

A high-quality diet is one of the best ways to keep your dog’s skin and coat healthy, reducing allergen production. Consult your vet to find the best food for your breed.

Veterinary Care

Regular check-ups with a vet can catch and address health concerns early, promoting better skin and coat health

Ocular and Oral Care

Don’t forget to care for your dog’s eyes and teeth. Keeping them clean and healthy can prevent infections that may cause additional allergens to be present.

Testimonials from the Allergic and Adored

Real-life stories of hypoallergenic dogs owners can provide the most personal insight into life with these four-legged friends. Whether it’s an American Hairless Terrier cuddling up on the couch, a Kerry Blue Terrier frolicking in the fields, or a Bichon Frise accompanying on a seaside stroll, the love these dogs bring to their owners knows no bounds.

Life with a Lagotto

Sasha always dreamed of owning a dog, but her allergies held her back. That was until she met a friend’s Lagotto Romagnolo — a truffle-hunting Italian breed with a coat that produced almost no allergy symptoms. Now, with her dander-free furry friend bounding beside her, Sasha can’t imagine life without her loyal Lagotto.

Joy from Your Yorkie

For Greg, life with a Yorkshire Terrier named Max is an absolute delight. Max’s non-shedding coat means Greg can enjoy the companionship of a dog without the cost of allergy medications. Max’s energetic and affectionate nature is the cherry on top of this hypoallergenic cake.

In Conclusion

The decision to bring a dog into your life is a significant one, and the choice of a hypoallergenic breed may add complexities. By doing your research, spending time with various breeds, and learning from other’s experiences, you can confidently adopt a dog that suits your lifestyle and health needs. Hypoallergenic dogs not only share loyalty, love, and joy, but they also bring the added bonus of a reduced allergic reaction. Start your search today and find the perfect hypoallergenic match for you and your family.

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