Exploring the Bernese Mountain Dog Breed

Bernese Mountain Dogs :

For dog enthusiasts and pet lovers worldwide, the Bernese Mountain Dog stands tall, not only in stature but also in the hearts of those who appreciate this beautiful, affectionate breed. Renowned for their gentle nature and intelligence, Bernese Mountain Dogs have charmed their way into the homes and lives of many, becoming beloved companions and family members. This comprehensive guide dives into the charm and characteristics of this breed, from their historical beginnings to the reasons they’re adored today.

History and Origin

The Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as the Berner Sennenhund, hails from the Swiss Alps. Originally, they were farm dogs of the Senne breed type, used to pull carts, herd cattle, and stand guard over their farmsteads.

This breed is one of four major types of Sennenhund breeds, each distinguished by coloring and other properties. Berners have a longer history compared to many other breed types, possibly tracing back over 2,000 years. However, they almost went extinct in the late 1800s when the farmsteads no longer required their services. Fortunately, a few dedicated breeders saved them, sparking their return and popularity as pets.

Physical Characteristics

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a stunningly large and muscular breed. Males typically stand 25 to 28 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 85-110 pounds, while females are slightly smaller. The breed is known for their majestic, tri-colored coat that’s primarily black with rust and white markings.

Their thick, long fur serves as protection against the harsh alpine climate, but it also makes them well-suited to colder environments. Alert, mellow, and strong, Berners are robust dogs with a regal and friendly expression that can melt anyone’s heart.

Temperament and Behavior

They are perhaps most famous for their patient and affectionate nature. Bernese Mountain Dogs are loyal, and they love to be with their family. They are excellent with children and other pets, making them a wonderful addition to any household.

This breed thrives on human interaction and does not do well when left alone for long periods. They are not particularly vocal, but their size and strength can be commanding if they perceive a threat to their family or territory. Obedience training is essential, given their large size, and their intelligence makes them a joy to train.

Care and Maintenance

Given their thick coat, they require regular grooming to keep their fur in good condition. On the positive side, they are relatively clean dogs and do not tend to have a “doggy” odor.

Exercise needs are moderate to high, and they enjoy the opportunity to stretch their legs and run. Due to their impressive size and activity levels, ensuring they have ample space to move is important. A couple of good walks a day should do the trick, though Bernese Mountain Dogs, like any canine companion, appreciate variety and mental stimulation in their exercise routines.


Berners are heavy shedders, especially during the shedding seasons of the spring and fall. Daily brushing is necessary to keep their coat free of tangles and mats. A good brush removes loose hair, reducing the amount of fur shed around the home. Pay special attention to their thick undercoat, as it can easily become matted if neglected.


Breeders generally recommend exercise sessions lasting for around 30 minutes to an hour. Regular walks, a game of fetch, or a romp in a safely fenced area are perfect ways for your Berner to burn off energy. Mental exercises, such as puzzles, also keep them alert and happy.


The Bernese Mountain Dog is a robust breed, but like all purebreds, they have their share of health concerns. Common health issues include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and certain forms of cancer, particularly histiocytic sarcoma. Regular checkups and a healthy diet are essential to managing these risks.

Interesting Facts

Bernese Mountain Dogs, or ‘Berners’, as they’re affectionately known, boast a number of interesting traits. Despite their imposing size, they’re known for their friendly interactions with strangers and new acquaintances.

They are also talented in a variety of canine activities, such as carting, herding, agility, obedience, and tracking. This diverse skill set is a testament to their intelligence and adaptability.

Another fascinating characteristic of Berners is their high sensitivity, which is often demonstrated by their desire for physical touch. They are often coined as “velcro dogs,” as they love to be within touching distance of their family at all times.


For those who adore big, loving dogs that embody both strength and gentleness, the Bernese Mountain Dog is an ideal choice. They are a breed full of charm, and their devotion to family knows no bounds. Whether you’re considering adding a Berner to your family or you’re simply a dog lover looking to learn more, exploring the world of the Bernese Mountain Dog is an enriching experience. Their history, physicality, and endearing traits make them a standout among canines, leaving an indelible paw print on the world of dog lovers.

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